Rosie Rose
(2018, 8' 19”, HD 16:19)
“A young girl leads her grandmother towards her final journey, plunging us into a series of cherished childhood memories that explore the unfathomable strength of love from one generation to the next”.
Set on a cobblestone street bathed in moonlight, a young girl leads her grandmother towards her final journey. They stop at a claw bathtub resting on the road, its pipes connecting to a dusty wooden piano that fills the tub with an opaque liquid - organic almost. The girl tends to both her grandmother’s mind and body while voice-over narration reflects on the raw feelings of loss and despair that arise when life starts to fade, plunging us into a series of cherished childhood memories. These visceral memories amass and bring her late mother back to perform a final song in the thick summer fog, giving the little girl closure with her mom and the courage to now let go of her grandmother. Rosie Rose intimately questions the unfathomable strength of maternal love and its ability to be recycled from one generation to the next.